Friday, July 4, 2014
July Hobby Challenge
First few days of July and oh the joy of another month of painting models and showing off some sweet sweet skills. At the end of this month you are going to see some of the most magical paint jobs your internet-addled mind could imagine!
Lets be honest, with a blog called Badly Painted Minis you should be expecting much from me.... Which is EXACTLY why I ask my skilled painter friends to submit their work as well. So you don't need to deal with just my stuff and can actually be Inspired!
As always the rules are simple.
1) Put something together or Paint something
2) Take a picture
3) Email it to me with your Name ( Click Here )
Bonus fun for anyone looking for a challenge
+ Being the 4th of July, incorporate Red, White, and Blue. Into your paint job.
+ Incorporate Freedom into your modeling / Paint Job
+ 'Murcia
If you think that it isn't really possible to do this I think you need to put some more Freedom Flakes into your breakfast because it has been done in some really awesome ways.
Such as this Ork (Source)
Its all in your story, and how you want to apply it. 'Murica.
Or even my own Federated States ships.
As always have fun, these challenges are just to get you to sit down and make progress on that HUGE collection of models you have that you have been slacking on painting.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Khador VS. Khador Pirates?
This last weekend I found myself playing my first 50 point game of Warmachine. I built up 50 points of Khador in all their empiric glory and walked out to the field of battle with nary a plan in mind other than "VICTORY!". Most of my smaller point games have been with pSorcha or pVlad, but this day I fielded eIrusk.
System: Warmachine
Faction: Khador
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Supreme Kommandant Irusk
* Destroyer
* Spriggan
* War dog
Man-o-war Shocktroopers (Leader and 4 Grunts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Winter Guard Infantry (Leader and 9 Grunts)
* Winter Guard Infantry Officer & Standard
* 3 Winter Guard Infantry Rocketeers
Winter Guard Mortar Crew (Leader and Grunt)
Iron Fang Kovnik
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich
Widowmaker Marksman
The goal was to advance the Iron Fang Kovnik forward using his special action to give other units in "Shield Wall" +2 SPD. They will act as a meatshield while the Winterguard run behind them and shoot through them because of Irusk's Martial Discipline. I put the Widowmakers and solo in there cuz you should always put them in there. Its like 5 free dead targets a turn. Uncle Joe for support of the Winterguard. The Mortar crew was actually one of my favorite units of the game. It never did not kill something.
Using the Destroyer for the AOE shot, and the Spriggan for everything else.
Mind you I don't actually have a lot of experience making lists, and put this together mostly based on the models I own. The idea had merit I would like to believe.
My friend Bryan on the other hand, not only had a great synergy in his force, but a great idea.
PIRATES lead by none other then a very angry Butcher!
System: Warmachine
Faction: Khador
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
The Butcher of Khardov (*6pts)
* Conquest (19pts)
* Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker (2pts)
Gun Carriage (9pts)
Press Gangers (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Koldun Kapitan Valachev (2pts)
Sea Dog Crew (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
Doc Killingsworth (2pts)
First Mate Hawk (2pts)
Harlan Versh (2pts)
Kell Bailoch (2pts)
Lord Rockbottom (2pts)
He got the unit of Press Gangers buffed super crazy at points in the game, +3 STR, 4+ Tough saves, boosted everything with Pathfinder and I think the only thing he was missing was a Parrot buff. The Conquest had me constantly worried, he was shooting over and over and over and because of it Irusk ended up down to like 6 HPs.
We were playing Steamroller 2014 scenario rules because I wanted to get more familiar with something other then "kill everyone".
What started as a bumbled deployment as shortly after I deployed (in the fashion described above) I moved the Winterguard to the left and the man-o-wars to the right. I found myself feeling like I was doing what I should have been doing for the most part. After several turns the MoWs destroyed the Gun carriage and I was successful in killing off his pirates. My problem was that I had no REAL answer for the Conquest. The Butcher just totally trashed the Destroyer, and in the most mockingly way ignored the last of the Winter Guard and walked away from them as they could barely do anything to him anyways. I used the MoW as a screen so that the Conquest couldn't just charge my caster.
You can see him in the lower right as him and the Spriggan had just toed into the control area netting me a 5-2 scenario victory by this last final turn. (Brian didn't claim any victory points, but there was a full turn that he had Harlan Versh and the carriage and I didn't have anything.) If this game was a meat grinder mission I would have been dead a long time ago.
Not Pictured: Mortar Crew, lower left Note: The Conquest is doing the "Moon walk cuz my arms are in the way" action. |
In the end Irusk managed to win by controlling the area where the Butchers ale was being stored in. He promptly stopped attacking, turned off the Conquest and sat down to have a pint (all the while forgetting that he just lead an army of pirates to their death for no real reason).
All is well though because it still counts as a Khador Victory!!!!
The game was awesome, and I wanted to thank Brian for playing it with me, even though it took way too long. (2 1/2 hours-ish?)
The 2014 Steamroller Rules can be found HERE.
I used the List builder from to build these lists.
Monday, June 16, 2014
May Hobby Challenge Showcase!
Yep. No one sent me anything. To my own credit, I managed to get some stuff painted. Small steps, but as I have nothing else to report for the last month and a half it will have to do. As we did last time I only got to posting mid way though we will leave the rest of June as a "whatever you want to do" for the hobby challenge.
Below are all the updates I have gotten done
The powder keg is magnetized so I can swap him between being a Bomber and Mauler |
I have since corrected the orange smudge. |
Working on the Black 13th, Still bothers me that they are a different size then every other model. |
eIrusk, Just adding to the list of things I need to paint. |
The Stormblades, Manowar shock troops, 2 LE Journymen warcasters and assorted other things. |
eMulg, so now having an all warbeast Trollblood collection isn't SO terrible. |
Closer view. Not much done at all. Any suggestions on how to help bring out more detail? |
For the most part things are getting done. My biggest problem is staying focused. I want to get things done, but I just get so easily distracted.
For the rest of you who are interested in posting for July's Hobby challenge (yes July cuz its a little late to do June)
As always just message or email me your pictures to
Thanks again for checking out the blog.
Monday, April 28, 2014
May Hobby Challenge / Blog Update
So all of you loyal fans (come on, one of you guys has to check this once in a while right?) may have noticed a lack of posting. This is not a technical glitch, I have in fact not been posting. I know, its crazy.
I have been creating some article holders to fill out later for ideas and experiences that I had in the world of gaming and hobbying. Right now though I have put much of my time in to studying for my MCSA 2012 exam and have tried to limit my gaming amount.
I would like to prepare May's Hobby Challenge, I know that I am partially a driving force behind a few of you when it comes to getting your hobby projects completed. So now that we had a little time off to relax with the hobby lets take this month to get back into the swing of things.
May's objective = 1 model. I don't care what it is. Anything. Lets get some nice before/after pictures.
Please send your pictures to me at or you can message them to me via facebook.
Remember the goal of the hobby challenge is to help encourage you to work on your models. You have no obligation beyond completing your own projects and getting it posted on the internet on a professional blog. (Sound legit right?) Besides, its better then that one picture you posted on the internet... you know which one I'm talking about.
Upcoming Posts:
Star Trek Attack Wing: Review and events I have participated in.
Warhammer Fantasy: Dwarves Models / new book review
FireStorm Armada: Dindrenzi models
Yeah, about that excuse... |
It's just 1 book, but about the same number of pages. |
May's objective = 1 model. I don't care what it is. Anything. Lets get some nice before/after pictures.
Please send your pictures to me at or you can message them to me via facebook.
Remember the goal of the hobby challenge is to help encourage you to work on your models. You have no obligation beyond completing your own projects and getting it posted on the internet on a professional blog. (Sound legit right?) Besides, its better then that one picture you posted on the internet... you know which one I'm talking about.
It seems like such a good idea at the time. |
Upcoming Posts:
Star Trek Attack Wing: Review and events I have participated in.
Warhammer Fantasy: Dwarves Models / new book review
FireStorm Armada: Dindrenzi models
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
2014 Hobby Challenge - Febtober Showcase Danger Zone!
As we tip toe into the month of March lets take a second and marvel at all the work that has been done over the last 28 days with another Showcase Danger Zone!
I know many of us are excited to see how well I painted my Khador Winter Guard. Well I didn't. Not at all. I got them out and put them in an order of which I PLANNED to paint them... then I got sucked into a Dwarf Orgy of which there was no return from.
Here is Ragnar Ironbeard (Yes, I name all the heroes/lords of my armies, don't judgement the bible tells you not to.) This is actually the new named Dwarf lord, but he is such a dynamic model I needed to pick him up. Once I did that it was like poking a hole in the damn. Now I have 1000+ points worth of dwarves and I'm trying to figure out an acceptable stopping point.
This dwarf is mostly done, but is still in need of some finish basing, and I think I want to go back and touch the Brassy Brass with some gold/yellow highlights. Also debating going in with a fine tip blue sharpie to add some detail on the silver, but not sure if I want to jump into that yet.
Next on the list is our lovely lady Kelly who has been slowly working herself back into painting. During the month of February she had finished up 3 of her Convergence Attunment Servitors.
Kelly had sent me both her before and after shots at the same time so I will just put them here.
Drake submitted a number of Grey Knight Terminators all ready to remove the daemon filth from the universe.
Jason got in his great looking Epic Thagrosh. I like the molten look to it.
I know some of you are still working on getting pictures to me. I will update this post as I get them.
In the mean time, keep painting.
Short or not, its always best to stretch before smashing the skulls of your foes. |
I enjoyed making the blue gems on his armor shine up. |
Next on the list is our lovely lady Kelly who has been slowly working herself back into painting. During the month of February she had finished up 3 of her Convergence Attunment Servitors.
Kelly had sent me both her before and after shots at the same time so I will just put them here.
Drake submitted a number of Grey Knight Terminators all ready to remove the daemon filth from the universe.
Jeff managed to finally finish up his Honor Guard giving Marneus some drinking buddies!!
Jason got in his great looking Epic Thagrosh. I like the molten look to it.
I know some of you are still working on getting pictures to me. I will update this post as I get them.
In the mean time, keep painting.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Febtober Hobby Challenge 2014 - Submissions!
As my obvious title states here are all of Febtober's Hobby Challenge submission Images. At the end of the month we should have a collection of finished submissions.
Now while having a "Before" picture is encouraged (so we can see where you started from) its not required. Only thing is you need to have finished it this month.
Our First submission is from Ryan located all the way out in Europe. He is on mission for the military, I think he is trying to over throw a government or something. Last month Ryan submitted the Dark Angels Bike Sargent. I can't wait to see what he does with this bad boy.
As my obvious title states here are all of Febtober's Hobby Challenge submission Images. At the end of the month we should have a collection of finished submissions.
Now while having a "Before" picture is encouraged (so we can see where you started from) its not required. Only thing is you need to have finished it this month.
Our First submission is from Ryan located all the way out in Europe. He is on mission for the military, I think he is trying to over throw a government or something. Last month Ryan submitted the Dark Angels Bike Sargent. I can't wait to see what he does with this bad boy.
Next is our friend Jeff who has submitted 2 more Ultramarine Honor Guard, he is well on his way to finishing up his estimated 4500 points of the militant smurfs.
Tim is continuing to knock out his Fantasy Armies one after another as he puts paint to metal with a 25 rat squad of stormvermin. I can't wait to see those across the table from me.
Sorry for the blurry, just try to squint. |
Next on the list is from Jason, he is submitting our first Warmachine model of Epic Thagrosh
This model should look sufficiently awesome by the time its done.
My initial plan was to do one GW box a month there by giving myself the illusion that I wasn't spending massive amounts of money. This has failed already. So for this month I'm going to try and finish a project I started months ago by actually putting PAINT on these bad boys.
Obviously your reading this so you know I have posted it, but unlike last month I will not be re-posting the link to my FB (where many of you jump from to read my blog) as more people submit entries. I will be accepting submissions all month, and wont penalize anyone for not be able to get me a picture. I just don't want to annoy my friends and family who don't care to see this pop up over and over.
2014 Hobby Challenge - January Showcase Danger Zone!
Just kidding. But it is time to enjoy the hard work of our fellow players in this game.
First up is the finished work of Jeff who has been quoted as saying "Needs more Blue" when referencing any space marine he sees.
Jeff's work on finishing up his Ultramarine's Chapter Banner Standard bearer ended up looking very nice.
He explained there are a few last final details he needed to put in but he was very please with the results. I am too
Next here we have Michael "Da Warboss" 's Ork bikers
Again, fantastic work with both general painting, detailing and even basing. Michael really set a standard in this hobby challenge. Sadly it was a very high standard. Way to screw up the curve bud.
Because everyone seems to want to ride motorcycles right now, Interrogator-Chaplin Ryan sent in his work finishing up his Sargent on a bike.
Next up we have Tim's Bretonnian Archers!!!!
Tim finished them, but never sent me the picture. Until he has it updates, This image will sit here in it's place. :)
The Hoffinator submitted these BlackTemplar that he had done last month and actually submitted for another competition. Him and Michael "Da Warboss" won the competition! Thankfully the Hobby Challenge currently has no prizes other then a "Good job" cuz I would be worried these guys would take the cake.
Finally I will leave off with my lone Ork. Changed him around a little with some colors and some detailing. I still didn't know what I wanted to do, but I did find that the yellow green and blue really just went went with each other. (I should really print out a color wheel for use at my desk instead of always re-discovering these things.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Febtober Hobby Challenge 2014
Oh the month of love has come around again, it is time for us to put aside our anger and spend some time with romance on our minds. No one knows more about that then the followers of Slaanesh.
I just want to love, and be loved in return... now squeal for me.
This month is the same as last month, only a little bit louder and a little bit worse.
Hobby Challenge for Febtober:
We will have a minimum amounts of whatever you are working on but you can do way more if you want.
- One ten man squad of marines \ xenos (Or if you picked up the cheaper 5 man squad that.)
- One ten man unit of Fantasy troops (i.e. 10 brettonian archers, or 10 skaven warriors)
- Two Clam pack Hero / HQ choice options (I put a minimum of 2 cuz… come on. You can do 2 in a month)
- One 40k vehicle, or Fantasy Large model (think Giant spider or steam tank)
- Any terrain (but make it look gooooooood)
Febtober Bonus Challenge: Love!
Your bonus challenge is to some how incorporate love, romance, lust, even hanky-panky if you so wish into your modeling/painting. Any Slaanesh are automatically considered to fall into this category, but lets be creative. Combat campaigns may have a heart as apart of their icon. I can't imagine there isn't an Ork with a heart tattoo that says "dakka" in it.
Be creative. I'm not going to be critical of anything here, its just for fun.
I will be looking to get your initial picture entries by Friday, Febtober 7th.
Please send your pictures to me at ( look at me getting all fancy).
Just need a picture of your initial model or something showing me you are starting this month. Your name, and how you would like me to refer you as. ( Jeff "The dwarf kicker" )
This way I can keep all the images together.
I'm still working on collecting the final pictures for January. It should be posted in the next day or so.
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