Friday, April 26, 2013

Showcase Danger Zone

Three posts in one day?  HolyCrapSnacks!

I'm trying to setup this blog with what I hope becomes some re-occuring post types.

The normal "look at me, I just painted a bunch of crap that no one other then like 3 people will see in real life" posts.

"Battle Reports"  Where I update the blog with one of my weekly games of warhammer with Tim.

Or what I'm going to call the "Show Case Danger Zone" where you get to see a paint job that either myself or someone else had done that is either very well painted or reaches the "Fucking Sweet" level.

This week we are going to showcase the Arachnarock Spider that was expertly painted by our good friend Drake.  I finally got around to purchasing this big bastard for my Orcs and Goblins army as a centerpiece.
I was showing it to Drake as I was finishing the assembly and he seemed smitten with it and offered to give it a paint job.   As I realized he was trying to take away my opportunity to show everyone how awesome I could paint, I surprised him by practically throwing the critter at him.

"Hey baby, nice tuffit, you got any extra curds or whey? I just need my fix. Last time, I promise."

The rampaging spider destroyed most of the 7'th fleet moments later.

The spider was arrested an hour later after trying to flash an undercover police officer.

That is all there is tonight.  Tomorrow we will go over why planning to finishing painting projects the same weekend you are going to try and potty train your daughter is most likely a really bad idea.

Is this thing sinking already?

So I think its just that I'm excited about doing this which is why I'm already posting again. That will fade with life and children so I might as well pump out a few good posts right away to lure you in so that you want sit and wait for a post that will never come.  Then like 5 weeks later when you are sitting at your computer, reeking of cheap booze and loneliness I will post again, but only to tell you that I will post soon.

Sounds like fun, lets get started.

After work I ended up going for a walk with the wife and minion and once we put the little one to sleep, I crept down to the painting dungeon and got to work.  iPad playing Pandora with random Steven Lynch and Daniel Tosh comedy I kept myself focused on getting my job done.

The fleet is coming along nicely so far. I managed to get both the deck and hulls of all of the ships painted. That includes the trim (which i agree is hard to see here) and the paddles as well.

I originally did the deck with a light brown, but found it seemed to just kind of "blah" there and did nothing to impress me.  I wanted it to scream "WE ARE PLANKS OF WOOD, MADE FOR WAR!"  not.  "I'm pretty sure before I was cut down a dog pee'ed on me."    So I gave it a solid coat of a rich dark brown and it really brought out the feel.

 The fleets obligatory self-shot angled Facebook picture.

A nice formation to send them out on their maiden voyage.  Or you know, just to leave on the work bench...

My only battleship, I have yet to prime and paint the special weapons for it ( they are modular so i can swap as the games change ). I'm thinking making the missiles red, white and blue.  Just seems fitting.  :P

Slowly but surely.  I'm sure tomorrow I will go over the turrets with some boltgun grey, and start the log process of highlighting the raised green with a snotling green (almost lime greenish ) to bring out the detail.

I'm going to put some more detail on the bombers as well, I'm thinking some kind of blue to reflect the windows.  
I was thinking of actually painting the bottom of the plans like a sky blue.  I need to research if that was actually done in WWII to help disguise the plains.  I want to believe they did.

I wonder how many of you actually read all this crap and didn't just skim over the pictures.  :)  

and so it begins...

This will be the first in what I hope is a long line of updates about my journey into painting.
I will start with this, I hate to paint.

Can't stand it, to me its not something you can just pick up and put down.  Its something you need to plan to do.  While I can grab a bunch of sprues and cut and glue things together while watching Netflix or listen to Pandora, Painting actually requires my undivided attention and time.   Of which my rattled brain tends to stop and panic when I demand such things of it.

I'm going to start by posting some images of models that I already have done.  You will see that while I'm not horrible at it, I'm not great either.

The other day I decided that I would start painting my Dystopian Wars  Federated States of America fleet.

I really liked the kind of aqua blue/green that showed on the box, but when it come to 'murica, and war.  My mind immediately shifts to the beautiful World War 2 Olive Drab green.


As you can see I do have one of the small frigits done, and and have a slight highlighting of light green to show detail.  

Slowly but surely...

I like where this is going, and i believe it will stand out much better when they are on a blue water "table".

Let me know what you think.