Sunday, April 10, 2016

Vampire Counts Army Project - Pt:2 Dire Wolves

Edna was angry, she was angry at her papa for scolding her infront of Sven. She was angry at her mother for not standing up for her, and she was angry at Sven for running home like a mut with his tail between his legs when her father had found them out by the barn. After the embarrassing encounter with her family she ran.  She started heading towards the shack by the lake. She knew no one had claimed ownership of it in several seasons and she would often go there during the summer just to unwind and get out of doing her chores. She could still hear her family yelling her name, it was just after dusk and she didn't have a lantern with her.  She knew the route well enough she thought.  After close to an hour of travel she started to have her doubts. The trail continued through the forest but she wasn't seeing any of the land marks or fields that told her of her destination. A slight breeze passed through the trees and on it came a smell of rotten meat. She started to turn around, and admit that maybe she will deal with her family's scolding over the darkness when she heard it. The growling of a dog. She picked up a fallen branch that was just off the trail and started to slowly walk back the way she came. The clouds which up to this point had kept the night dark started to thin allowing silver beams of light to give her a better view of the animal which had startled her.  Her heart pounding in her chest she looked back only to see nothing there was no dog, she was about to tell herself that she needs to stop letting the darkness get to her when the rotting smell blew past her again, this time it was almost overwhelming.  She took a few steps backwards and that's when she bumped into something.  It was those last few moments when she saw the glowing green flame in the eye sockets that used to hold the cunning eyes of a predator that Edna wished she had simply stayed home.

Across the lands of the Old World giant wolves roam the country side, these beasts almost as large as horses  prey on travelers and small farming villages. While large hunting parties are put together to destroy these beasts, the dark magic near Sylvania allows for no soul to rest for long before they dig themselves out of the pits the hunters bury them in. As they did in life, these newly risen Dire Wolves find the strongest beast to which will lead them, often being a Vampire.  
In times of battle Vampires command these monstrosities to run around the enemy's flanks to harass their artillery or find a weak flank to clash into.

Now that you have a little bit of an idea on what exactly Dire Wolves are in Warhammer, here is the set of models I have been working on for my army.

This was the unit, and where it was in completion when I started this project.
No basing beyond the stones, many portions of the wolves were not completely painted. ( I in general work on the 3 foot rule so often it if looks good far away I stop working on them. )

Since then I have put a few more coats of paint on these beasts, finished with the basing and even added some leaves which I have picked up to help add that "little extra" to my VC army.

Though its not much to tell from the images above I never said I was going to be completely re-doing these units.  I just wanted to polish them a little more.

I think it turned out rather acceptable. 

Let me know what you think, and thanks again for visiting.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Vampire Counts Army Project - Pt:1

Velcome back to my blog!  I vant to paint my vinatures!

That was terrible, I should be beaten for that.   As you can tell based on the title of this post, I'm aiming to finish my Vampire Counts army.

When I first started into the hobby I was pulled in with Warhammer 40k, but then the sleek looking skeleton models cam out from GW, and I fell in love with the Vampire Counts.  I have always enjoyed the myths that comes with vampires and werewolves. None of that  "sparkly" bullshit, but the kind that honestly hunted you for sport and fed on your fear as well as your life. So as they continued to build the range of models it continued to grab my interest.

It was when I picked up the starter box, and my friend picked up the dwarf starter that my drive into fantasy really began. So it is fitting that I'm going to take steps to finish this army and officially call it "Done".  I though that I would never actually reach that point, but with GW destroying the world and game that I have grown to enjoy for all these years I see more and more of the armies getting canceled. When I say canceled, I mean literally no longer making models for them.  I wanted a box of Brettonian Men-At-Arms because the theme of my army was to be an undead Brettonian feel.  I can't find sprues for Brettonians to save my life.   I have a box of Brett Knights and checking ebay they are going for $100 already.  I swear on I saw a website trying to sell 5 grail nights for $400.

I guess its true, its worth more when you can't get it anymore.
Thankfully my undead seem to be safe for now.  Though I need to finish my Dwarf army asap...

On to the stuff!

Here you can see the planned pile of things.  Last night I spent time taking each model out of my foam cases, and sorted them into groups that I can start to work on.

Skeleton's need to be finished, and based for the most part.
Worgs need to be based but are done.
Zombies need to be touched up and based
Ghouls need to be finished getting put together, based, primed and painted.
Corpse Cart needs to be based and detailed.
and the list goes on...

What I'm going to do is treat my blog as my own little check list of completion and also provide some fun information on the units and history of what they have done.

I will post updates and images of what I have gotten done, and then move to the next unit till everything is finalized.

I have some fun ideas, but I'm always open to suggestions so as we go through these posts please feel free to give me any ideas you can!

Thanks for taking time to read my blog.