Sunday, February 9, 2014

Febtober Hobby Challenge 2014 - Submissions!

As my obvious title states here are all of Febtober's Hobby Challenge submission Images.  At the end of the month we should have a collection of finished submissions.
Now while having a "Before" picture is encouraged (so we can see where you started from) its not required. Only thing is you need to have finished it this month.

Our First submission is from Ryan located all the way out in Europe.  He is on mission for the military, I think he is trying to over throw a government or something.  Last month Ryan submitted the Dark Angels Bike Sargent.   I can't wait to see what he does with this bad boy.

Next is our friend Jeff who has submitted 2 more Ultramarine Honor Guard, he is well on his way to finishing up his estimated 4500 points of the militant smurfs.

Tim is continuing to knock out his Fantasy Armies one after another as he puts paint to metal with a 25 rat squad of stormvermin.   I can't wait to see those across the table from me.
Sorry for the blurry, just try to squint.

Next on the list is from Jason, he is submitting our first Warmachine model of Epic Thagrosh
This model should look sufficiently awesome by the time its done.

My initial plan was to do one GW box a month there by giving myself the illusion that I wasn't spending massive amounts of money.  This has failed already.  So for this month I'm going to try and finish a project I started months ago by actually putting PAINT on these bad boys.

Obviously your reading this so you know I have posted it, but unlike last month I will not be re-posting the link to my FB (where many of you jump from to read my blog) as more people submit entries.  I will be accepting submissions all month, and wont penalize anyone for not be able to get me a picture. I just don't want to annoy my friends and family who don't care to see this pop up over and over.  

2014 Hobby Challenge - January Showcase Danger Zone!

Now is the time to put your judging caps on and become super critical about the work of amateur and semi-amateur painters!  Muhahahahahahah!

Just kidding.   But it is time to enjoy the hard work of our fellow players in this game.

First up is the finished work of Jeff  who has been quoted as saying "Needs more Blue" when referencing any space marine he sees.
Jeff's work on finishing up his Ultramarine's Chapter Banner Standard bearer ended up looking very nice.
He explained there are a few last final details he needed to put in but he was very please with the results.  I am too

Next here we have Michael "Da Warboss" 's Ork bikers

Again, fantastic work with both general painting, detailing and even basing.  Michael really set a standard in this hobby challenge. Sadly it was a very high standard.  Way to screw up the curve bud.

Because everyone seems to want to ride motorcycles right now,  Interrogator-Chaplin Ryan  sent in his work finishing up his Sargent on a bike.

Next up we have Tim's Bretonnian Archers!!!!

Tim finished them, but never sent me the picture.  Until he has it updates, This image will sit here in it's place. :)

The Hoffinator submitted these BlackTemplar that he had done last month and actually submitted for another competition. Him and Michael "Da Warboss" won the competition!   Thankfully the Hobby Challenge currently has no prizes other then a "Good job"  cuz I would be worried these guys would take the cake.

Finally I will leave off with my lone Ork.  Changed him around a little with some colors and some detailing.  I still didn't know what I wanted to do, but I did find that the yellow green and blue really just went went with each other. (I should really print out a color wheel for use at my desk instead of always re-discovering these things.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Febtober Hobby Challenge 2014

Oh the month of love has come around  again, it is time for us to put aside our anger and spend some time with romance on our minds. No one knows more about that then the followers of Slaanesh.

I just want to love, and be loved in return... now squeal for me.

This month is the same as last month, only a little bit louder and a little bit worse.

Hobby Challenge for Febtober:

We will have a minimum amounts of whatever you are working on but you can do way more if you want.
  • One ten man squad of marines \ xenos (Or if you picked up the cheaper 5 man squad that.)
  • One ten man unit of Fantasy troops (i.e. 10 brettonian archers, or 10 skaven warriors)
  • Two  Clam pack Hero / HQ choice options   (I put a minimum of 2 cuz… come on.  You can do 2 in a month)
  • One 40k vehicle, or Fantasy Large model (think Giant spider or steam tank)
  • Any terrain  (but make it look gooooooood)
Note: I reference a lot of GW stuff, but it can be ANY model, from any game.  Just work with the concepts here.

Febtober Bonus Challenge:  Love!

Your bonus challenge is to some how incorporate love, romance, lust, even hanky-panky if you so wish into your modeling/painting.  Any Slaanesh are automatically considered to fall into this category, but lets be creative. Combat campaigns may have a heart as apart of their icon. I can't imagine there isn't an Ork with a heart tattoo that says "dakka" in it.

Be creative.  I'm not going to be critical of anything here, its just for fun.

I will be looking to get your initial picture entries by Friday, Febtober 7th.

Please send your pictures to me at  ( look at me getting all fancy).

Just need a picture of your initial model or something showing me you are starting this month. Your name, and how you would like me to refer you as.  (  Jeff "The dwarf kicker" )
This way I can keep all the images together.

I'm still working on collecting the final pictures for January.  It should be posted in the next day or so.