Monday, June 24, 2013

omg Progress!

            So some days I surprise myself by just hunkering down and getting some work done. Tonight Tim was unable to make it to our weekly Warhammer game so I thought it would be a great time to get some painting in.  Lately I have been doing more work on the babies new room so tonight I decided that I could give a few hours on my trolls.

Starting off we just went with a black base primer.  Same kind I use for all my other models.  I primed all of the trolls at once.

I'm planning on going with the basic troll-blood color scheme, Blue skin, red hair/growths on the chin/shoulders.  Its hard to tell with out clicking on the picture, but I liked how the purple/blue wash in the eyes and mouth came out.  Part of my frustration with painting is that I always do all these extra random things, and in the end I look at it and think, 2 layers of blue would have done the same job.   Oh well. 

Here is that finish WarJack I had done before.  I finally got the resin bases in and painted.  

I need to figure out the best way of lighting cuz right now the flash on my camera phone isn't working well, but it does bring out the blue/red of the model and base.

Not as witty today, but at least I'm making progress.

Leave your comments, they sustain me.

Friday, June 14, 2013

WarmaHordes! The start of something new!

Of course this blog is all about miniatures and painting and stuff, so I'm being super awesome and updating it regularly. Aren't I?  ...  right?   /sigh  I need to get better at this stuff.

Over the last 3 weeks or so of not posting I have not only gotten my Warmachine Cygnar Starter box, but also a Hordes TrollBlood Starter box.  Warmachine and Hordes are 2 sides of the same game.  Warmachine is all giant coal driven robots, while Hordes is all monstrous beasts.  The rules for the 2 games are about 96% the same, with only allocation of action points being different for the 2 games.  (Warmachine you give action points to your Warjacks, where Hordes you take Rage away from your beasts calming them down so they keep fighting the way you want them too. )

Here is an Image of all the models together.  In the back you will see 3 Warjacks, and the Warcaster (forgot his name at the moment.)  

The next row is the Trollbloods, you can tell that size they are about the same as the robots. The idea is that they are true blooded trolls vs the smaller guy who is just a trollkin.   I haven't put any of them on bases yet because I had order some nice scenic bases from a website that apparently is on backorder. Just waiting for those and will  start working to get them taken care of.

This isn't the best picture of it, but this is technically the very first time I successfully used my airbrush for highlighting.  As I said before You can't tell, but I kept using successively lighter shades of blue from the top down to give it a "light shining off the model" look.   The big guy on the right is actually fully painted now, and I will update more when I get some time this weekend.

Originally I was going to have some planned posting schedule, but I think thats a mistake, as it forces me not to post when I actually am doing things, and we get situations like this where I get 6 levels of stupid and don't post anything.    Thanks for taking the time to look it over, and don't forget to check out my other posts.