Friday, July 26, 2013

Warmahordes - Journeyman Tournament - Week 1, Part 1

These post titles are getting longer and more convoluted with every entry.

I failed completely at taking any pictures of any of my games, this is a constant issue for me but i digress.  In lue of actual pictures of the game, I'm just randomly going to find awesome pictures to make up for my failure as I review my games and ramble about them.

In hindsight my list was questionable at best, I took  pThagrash, a Carnivean, a Raek, and a Naga Night Lurker.


I had all this planned out in my head that I was going to remove defence buffs with the Naga's animus, use the Raek to jump by and deliver the killing blow to the enemy warcaster. My brain of a melting pot of tactical genius.

None of that happened.

My Strategy in action in most cases.

Now mind you I went 2 and 2 yesterday.  All 4 games we really fun, and even if I lost all of them I would have walked out of there happy as a clam.  My main point is "The Plan"  Failed completely. Not my forces, not my game, just what I thought I should have done, simply didn't work.

So lets jump into some of what happened

My first game was against a fellow named Steve M.  He was playing Khador and I believe his list consisted of pButcher, a Destroyer, and a very nicely painted Spriggan

                                                              Model's depicted for reference

I don't know much about Khador except they are tough to deal with, and I also know I don't want to get near any model holding a giant fucking axe who's name is "The Butcher".  It's like Godzilla that one time he came up near some Japanese Giant Hornets.

We can Thank The Oatmeal for this one

But it didn't change the point... I wasn't going to go any where near that bastard. I tried to tie up his jacks with the bodies of my warbeasts and in what I still consider to be a desperation move,  cast Obliteration on him, and just rolled high on the damage. It was a good game, and now I must keep an eye over my shoulder for I fear his vengeance will be terrible.

Next I played against Angelina,  she was rocking  a Circle of Orboros force. eKaya and Laris,  and 2 Feral Warp Wolves.
Angelina's models were painted much better than these.

This game was both exciting and interesting, Angelina was plagued by mis-charges.  Always off by just 2 or 2 millimeters, but she stood firm on her declarations of intent and braced herself for the counter charges. This would end up getting one of her Warp Wolves killed, but  Kaya behind my lines with a little Trick of her pet wolf which lets her teleport to where the wolf is.  

I would like to point out that she had obliterated my Carnivean.  It was DEAD. D E A D, DEAD.   She was so happy to have killed it too, which is why it was so bitter sweet when I popped my Feat and brought him back from the dead.  That same Carnivean would go on to end Kaya's life with a snap of it's jaws. 

I was a good learning game for both of us, still getting used to rules we had to ask a few questions. My victory was in hand now, but little did I know...

I was about to get the shit kicked out of me by another fellow who also went by the name of Steve S.
When I looked at his force he looked down at it as well and said "Yes, I have 2 named jacks, I'm an ass." Which immediately amused me.   I will say that this was the game that got my heart pumping  Not that Steve M and Angelina didn't put up a fight, they did, but from the start of this battle I felt I was on the losing end, and I had to try and prove myself.
Steve was rocking 3 models,  Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Price of Imbrey,   Drago (Vlad's personal Berserker jack ), and Beast-09

When they are all combined they turn into a Megazord of assfuckery.

Steve was awesome to play against, he had massive amounts of strategies in his head and he was more then willing to explain them to me. His force was soo mobile and offensive I was already on the wrong foot starting off. I knew as I watched  None of that would stop him from killing all my warbeasts in One round of combat.  I almost disabled Drago, but you know what they say, horseshoes and handgrenades...

That was an amazing game to show me that there are strategies that I have not even dreamt of yet and that I was not prepared.  Also, he got me a soda, which makes him ok in my book.

Last battle of the night was a rematch against Angelina, which I had high hopes for coming off such a sound crushing defeat.

Low did I know that in the time we played last she apparently because a Circle savant and developed this crazy awesome strategy which consisted of that same teleport trick from before... only as the first move of her 2nd turn.. then she popped her feat, which brought all of her models over by her... btw.. she was only like 2  inches from my warlock.    
pThagrosh promptly pooped himself, and was destroyed by 2 giant werewolves.  It seemed a fitting revenge that snapping jaws would also take him out.

I informed her that she had just created a rivalry, and that this wasn't over.  

Then I went home and passed out.
Was a great time, and I look forward to getting back there tomorrow and playing another few games.

Well this is a nice solid battle report, hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed experiencing it.  
Leave a comment, they sustain me.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Cherry Poppin... Warcasters?

It happened, it really happened.   I stopped out at The Game Store today after Brigitte got a quick nap in and I played my first game of Warmahordes.

It was exciting, by exciting I mean I enjoyed getting caught up in playing a game.  I forgot about everything else for just 2 hours.

I played against a bloke named Brian, he is Press Ganger which was explained to me that he was the local Privateer Press organizer. He is the one in charge of the tournament so he was chalk-full of willingness to help me learn how to play.  

I always wonder what people are thinking when they are teaching people stuff.   I hate training, drives me batty. I have to fight with my brain when I train people because my brain understand that people don't know what I know, and that they have different learning patters and quickness. But I don't give a shit and it annoys me that I have to repeat myself 3 or 4 times. There is a reason I don't work for MPS.


I'm playing my trolls...
These aren't mine, but they are literally the same type of models I had. (Yay Google Image search!)

Brian played his Cygnar force... 
Again, not his models, but Google Image search is a sweet lover, and I was too wrapped up to take pictures with my phone.

The first game was fun, it was a no frills, we went right at each other with out any real special strategy.  Mostly I needed to get the mechanics down.  It was the little things that I was trying to get burnt into my head like when charging I get +2 inches to my range... not double range.  Just rules.

My Troll Axer ran in and tried to take that big Ironclad Warjack, and I will tell you something.  The only way to describe the ass whooping that the Axer got is the say it had to be 1953, and my Axer burnt the pot-roast right as the Ironclad got home from work.  The axer was just owned.

Her Axe is soaking...

But, my Troll Impailers were on a crit streak and knocked down all of his models at least once and in the end my warlock ran in himself and performed some crazy albino kungfu and chopped his warcaster in half himself. He really came through for me.  It was a great victory!


So being that I still had some time, I asked Brian if he would be interested in round 2.   This time we moved some terrain around a little, but all it really did was make us play to the right of where we were the first game... same thing. The Ironclad Warjack must have come to the 2nd game drunk and pissed about the pot-roast again because he bludgeoned the shit out of the Axer again. On the other hand this game I killed his Lancer (The guy with the spear and shield).....  another sweet victory!... oh wait, that's right the game didn't end there.

After that he ran the Ironclad up to the Albino Warlock and tried to kill him.   Honestly, I think the Ironclad was just trying to work out some personal problems because he was trying to hit everyone.  I nearly got destroyed by it too, but was informed i could transfer the damage over, POOF!  I narrowly avoided getting my head smashed like a watermelon at a Gallagger show.

He will be showing up in the next expansion as a mercenary caster... with that look on his face.
So I ran at his Warcaster again and started up my albino lawnmower, the attacks are flying left and right and I'm not doing so bad, boost the attacks.... AND.... get him down to 1 box of life left.

After that he wasted no time mercilessly murdering me.  Like... I had 3 health left... and he did like 19 damage.    I failed my Tough test and that was it.

In any case it was a great time and it helped me understand what was going on.  I can't wait to play a few more games.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

This weekend's project progress

So again I present another post with more pictures then actual words. Drake and I went in on a Hordes 2 player starter box.   I got the Legion of Everblight side and he is rocking the Druids collection.

So here is the stuff I have gotten together so far.   I wont lie, I actually hate the lesser war beast  Shreaders (No not the TMNT guy).  They are simple.. just 2 legs... but they don't look right...  so I digress.

Also, I have yet to memorize the names of the different units... i could check the ipad or even use the internet.  But I'm typing right now and do you realize how far away my mouse is from my keyboard?

Look, shinny Pictures!
Still missing its head, but this big old nasty is almost done.

 These jackholes don't look that bad, but what I hate is they have a set of 3 spears that go on their back... and the spears are bent all stupid.   Not amused.  Not sure if I should pick up some metal wire and replace them?  Hmmm

She was the easiest, 

In Trollblood news,  I picked up some rare earth magnets.  I figured while I work on building my collection I could swap out the hands on my primarily Dire Troll Mauler and make him the one that tosses bombs once in a while.   I will pick up another and have it a duel version later.

Also, a little painting progress...

Thanks for checking out the blog again.   Go get yourself a cookie for your efforts.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

TrollBlood Progress - 2 out of 5 Complete

I know, you read that and were like. "Is everything ok? Matt is making actual progress on another project?  This.

But not really. The wife and queen of the home is downstairs sewing a blanking for the boy when he finally decides to come out. She is doing rather well, and with her down there, it makes me want to be down there. So I go down there...  and paint.

In total there are 5 models that comprise my whole Trollblood force.

1 Troll Axer
2 Troll Impailers
1 Dire Troll Mauler
1 Warlock, Madrak

So far the pictures you have seen are mostly an Impailer that I have been working on.  He has been completed.  Then since said wife was down stairs I worked on the Axer next. Progress was swift.  I would say he only took me 3 hours to get where I was happy with him?

First up is our friendly Impailer.  I did a nice turn around on him to show some more detail.

Then we have the Axer, looking all pissed and stuff.


 Yeah i noticed the strap that needs to be touched up... I will get to it.

 In the end I have to admit, I like them.  Simple, not going out of the ordinary.

As always I appreciate you taking the time to take a glance at my progress. Your comments sustain my drive to keep this up so please leave some.