Friday, April 26, 2013

and so it begins...

This will be the first in what I hope is a long line of updates about my journey into painting.
I will start with this, I hate to paint.

Can't stand it, to me its not something you can just pick up and put down.  Its something you need to plan to do.  While I can grab a bunch of sprues and cut and glue things together while watching Netflix or listen to Pandora, Painting actually requires my undivided attention and time.   Of which my rattled brain tends to stop and panic when I demand such things of it.

I'm going to start by posting some images of models that I already have done.  You will see that while I'm not horrible at it, I'm not great either.

The other day I decided that I would start painting my Dystopian Wars  Federated States of America fleet.

I really liked the kind of aqua blue/green that showed on the box, but when it come to 'murica, and war.  My mind immediately shifts to the beautiful World War 2 Olive Drab green.


As you can see I do have one of the small frigits done, and and have a slight highlighting of light green to show detail.  

Slowly but surely...

I like where this is going, and i believe it will stand out much better when they are on a blue water "table".

Let me know what you think.


  1. These look good! I love the green, and this game has been calling my name for awhile now. Curse you, temptress!!! :-P

    1. They are very easy to paint, just need a steady hand. Which most of the time I don't have. But the 2 games I have ever played were mostly easy and fun.
