Sunday, December 6, 2015

All the things, seriously i want to do all the things.

Like normal, the spring, summer and fall months find me doing things that are over all a little more focused with the family and friends. Now that Winter has fully come into full swing, I want to start working on this aspect of my free time a little more.

Mmmm Stock google images for summer actives...

That said I figured I would post a basic update on what I HAVE been up to, what I want to start working on before the end of the first quarter of next year ( I figured I would give myself a good number of  months to work on things slowly.

Firstly I have a German Bolt Action army that I have been so lazily building for over a year.  Like I haven't even gotten the infantry together yet.  I just have a hard time putting them together.  I think over the years I would rather not have the tiniest guns in the smallest hands to glue together
Mmmm Stock cover photo

In looking at the Warlords website I totally got sucked into Black Powder, and Hail Caesar.  I picked up the box for the French Napoleonic army.  While its on my shelf, I haven't even started to monkey around with it.
You can almost hear it cry to be used!

I did have a single box of Roman infantry, so figured I would put them together.
So this is what I got done so far.
Very simple paint job, just to get some color on it

Beyond that and putting some Tanks together for Bolt action all my time has been consumed with Star Wars: Armada, and X-Wing.  After that I got Fallout 4 and World of Warships for my PC (Hence my desire to try and get more focus on the table top stuff. )
My Imperial Fleet got an unexpected hyper-space rear flank.  The next turn we took out the corvette.  Was a fun game over all.

I will be working on getting smaller projects done, so hopefully I will get some more updates soon.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Firestorm Armada: Dindrenzi starter fleet. (Pt 1)

Today's post is about another long forgotten game that has been in my collection. Firestorm Armada.

About 3 years ago I had picked up a starter box for both Firestorm Armada, and Dystopian Wars, I picked them up when my friend Drake and I were on a "gotta get every game ever" tangent. (That happens often)

So not sure which one he was more interested in I picked up both because I figured, why not?  Everything I needed in one box, and when he gets around to it we can play.  Sadly he never fell in line with either game, but no worries though they get added to my collection and I get something to work on when I have free... er.. time.  Ha, cuz that happens.

So our friends over at The Game Store have started to create some buzz about the game, I watched a demo game in-between getting my Star Trek Attack Wing league game in for the month and it seemed like everyone was having a blast.  So the itch started, I got home and looked around for the starter box that I had. Sure enough there she was, barely touched.

I put it on the workbench, an obvious sign that things would get worked on soon.
Yep, I'm sure it was literally the next thing in line...
Two weeks later I ended up back at The Game Store for another ST:AW tournament they were hosting and once again it was mentioned in passing by other people chatting away. (That tournament had some time to waste)  So again, more pressure on my mind about it.

So finally Adam, the general manager over at The Game Store created a facebook group for it and once again I find myself split between like 6 games.
Over the course of several days I got the ships assembled.

I'm not going to lie, I think that the big one is simply Megatron in gun form.
Then I promptly put them back in their box.  This wasn't my primary objective, I had actually written out a whole extension to this post on how I painted them and dry brushed them.  Just waiting for me to do it and take a picture.  Never got to that.  A few days later I had spoken to  Adam at TGS  and he convinced me to pick up the brand new Battle for Valhalla box set, sans the Terran faction. So of course that happened.

So now I have basically the same ships only they are new ships and more details models. I can already tell that my older ships are going to be regulated to flanking attacks or suicide runs. I'm a model elitist at heart and if one model looks better than another, the one that doesn't look as good will be considered 2nd class.

I plan to get to putting the new ones together in the next few months. In the mean time all of them are still sitting in their fancy box on the shelf with 40+ other boxes of stuff that still need to get put together.

Yay having vices!

I'm going to work on Pt 2 when I can break out the new starter models and really give them the attention they deserve

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wait.. what just happened?

So its January of 2015...  Did you get July's Hobby challenge completed?

Hell, I didn't even get it done.  So what should our hobby goals be this year?  Yes you loyal reader who has been sticking by my blog for months, help me figure out goal for this year as my motivation for the hobby in general has been lacking.

I would like to once again change that, get creative again and post the results of my mediocre painting and hobby talents.

Where have I been the last few months you ask?  Well, no there.  I simply got sucked back into World of Warcraft.  Yeah, that happens from time to time.

I know this is like 3 expansions back... still the best one though.
"So since July you have been playing WoW?"
Well not totally, but a lot of it.

Also been getting in a good amount of World of Tanks. Very fun game, with a learning curve.  Can't just run out and shoot things. Need to angle the armor, hull down, aim for the enemies weak spots. Deal with kids telling you how terrible you are, even though you are doing your job better than they are and stayed alive.

My wife is awesome and ordered the Star Trek: Attack Wing  Borg Cube for me.

This is the cube, Cube meet NCC-1701-D. I'm sure you two will have no resistance in being besties.

I'm currently also trying to digest the rumor mill about the upcoming Warhammer Fantasy 9th Ed, and how thats going to affect how I invest in all 6-7 armies I haven't completed.

Do I drop a few? Focus on the ones I really enjoyed?  Keep collecting knowing I can always just keep playing 8th (most likely) and treat 9th as a mostly different game?    Some of the rumors say that the older 8th edition books will still work, but will simply not be focused for the new game style even though the rules aren't changing that much.  We will see.

I will review that later.  Maybe. I might also have ice cream after dinner tonight.  Maybe.

Most likely not.

As always thanks for taking time out of your life to read my ranting.  I promise I will do more when I can. :)   Any questions, suggestions, complaints, or just want to talk email me!