Yep. No one sent me anything. To my own credit, I managed to get some stuff painted. Small steps, but as I have nothing else to report for the last month and a half it will have to do. As we did last time I only got to posting mid way though we will leave the rest of June as a "whatever you want to do" for the hobby challenge.
Below are all the updates I have gotten done
The powder keg is magnetized so I can swap him between being a Bomber and Mauler |
I have since corrected the orange smudge. |
Working on the Black 13th, Still bothers me that they are a different size then every other model. |
eIrusk, Just adding to the list of things I need to paint. |
The Stormblades, Manowar shock troops, 2 LE Journymen warcasters and assorted other things. |
eMulg, so now having an all warbeast Trollblood collection isn't SO terrible. |
Closer view. Not much done at all. Any suggestions on how to help bring out more detail? |
For the most part things are getting done. My biggest problem is staying focused. I want to get things done, but I just get so easily distracted.
For the rest of you who are interested in posting for July's Hobby challenge (yes July cuz its a little late to do June)
As always just message or email me your pictures to
Thanks again for checking out the blog.