As a start I picked up the battle box so I currently have pSorcha, a Juggernaut and a Destroyer.
Sorcha has been primed and has some red on her while the Juggernaut has been primed as well. The Destroyer is currently pending arms. I have been waiting to figure out if I wanted to just have the Destroyer, or if I could magnetize the arms and make it an optional kit. Hoard 'O Bits of course would not have the Ripsaw (and I'm not going to order both piecemeal cuz I want to save on shipping). Cuz its either that, or pick up another Khador heavy jack box. Which would give me everything I needed. That being said, I wanted to actually pick up a Demolisher kit if I was going to pick up another Khador heavy.
The other thing I did manage to get was the plastic box of Khador Winter Guard. 10 ready soldiers of the motherland with 3 rocket launchers. (A minimum unit costs puts me at 15 points, a solid starting step.)
I'm actually very excited about getting these guys together and ready for painting.
I'm just angry that I can't find the paints needed to do it. Any suggestions?