So some days I surprise myself by just hunkering down and getting some work done. Tonight Tim was unable to make it to our weekly Warhammer game so I thought it would be a great time to get some painting in. Lately I have been doing more work on the babies new room so tonight I decided that I could give a few hours on my trolls.
Starting off we just went with a black base primer. Same kind I use for all my other models. I primed all of the trolls at once.
I'm planning on going with the basic troll-blood color scheme, Blue skin, red hair/growths on the chin/shoulders. Its hard to tell with out clicking on the picture, but I liked how the purple/blue wash in the eyes and mouth came out. Part of my frustration with painting is that I always do all these extra random things, and in the end I look at it and think, 2 layers of blue would have done the same job. Oh well.
Here is that finish WarJack I had done before. I finally got the resin bases in and painted.
I need to figure out the best way of lighting cuz right now the flash on my camera phone isn't working well, but it does bring out the blue/red of the model and base.
Not as witty today, but at least I'm making progress.
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