Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Warhammer Fantasy Campaign restart.

                Sorry for the delay in posting, not that a week is really a huge delay but still I know all 1 of you who subscribe to this desire to know how poorly I paint as well as how bad I am at updates.

That or you are just sitting there waiting for your other browser full of cat pictures to load.  Lets be honest here.
You couldn't say no if you tried.

Tim and I had been playing our previous campaign with 6 different armies each and 5 heroes that could gain experience as they won challenges and participated in battles. It helped us have a running theme to our battles. Also helped give our armies some character beyond their normal fluff.

Tim and I have taken the “experience charts” from a number of Games Workshops different books, and created our own leveling process with them.   All three armies we pick need to have 3 hero type characters.  Any 3 you want to choose but you are limited to those 3.

Well... technically you are doing it right.

As we play games, based on the actions of those games our heroes will get experience points. For every 10 experience points they gain one experience level, and get to role on a chart that give them a bonus to stats and combat abilities.  No one stat can ever be raised more than once.

Once a character gets 5 levels of experience, they have the option to forgo their bonus stats, and upgrade to a Lord level character ( yay promotions! ) 

I may come back and re-edit this post with the full detailed rules but right now this is the lay out.

Next will be the Battle report of Tim and I playing our Empire Vs Skaven.  Very close and fun Game.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Battle Report - Woodelves and Vampire Counts, and side projects.

     Small post today because I'm a bit behind on updating.  
     Tim and I did infact play a game on Saturday, but not only did I not remember to start recording or taking pictures until turn 5, but I was lazy in documenting what happened.
     What you need to really know is that Tim's Wood Elves put up a great defence against my Undead Hoard.  But in the end the Vampire Counts did prevail and put the Wood Elves out of particular ailment, which happened to be their lives.

The brave Glade Guard fire into the massed ranks of the undead.

The Massed Ranks of the undead don't care about arrows.

With my Naval Fleet completed, I started to work on my Malifaux models,  another small group of maybe 12 total, but this time its all individual models, meaning i can take more time with detail and less time with assembly line painting.  Its nice.


This is just a mini-update.  Will have another real post later on.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Project: Dystopian Wars - Federated States of America Fleet - Complete

        Men and Women of the Federated States of America, today is a day we shall no longer allow our selves to be bullied, to day we shall no longer take the words of the foreign dignitaries who tell us it is not our place to want to help others. Who tell us that we would not stand a chance if we choose to do what is right. Today, we fight for both our freedom and the freedom of others.  Today we have a chance to strike back at those who work to oppress us from looking past our own physical boards. Today we launch the finest fleet of the 19th century and we will show our enemies what american mettle is made of.

That what I would think a speech would sound like in this fictional world.  I could be right, could be completely wrong, who knows.  All I do know is the fleet IS ready to launch.

I finished it this last week.  Mostly I needed to complete the optional generators.

The Missile Launchers are a pretty obvious one. Originally i was going to paint them black with a red tip, I realized that the last thing I want the enemies of our grate nation to see is our glorious colors shining in the sky.   So I had to go with the old Red, White and Blue.

Next is the Shield Generators, Pretty simple honestly I wanted to give it a glowing aura so I went a little crazy with the dry brushing of the light blue over the dark blue base coat.

Finally the Kinetic Generators, in the game they actually provide faster movement which in a game of strategic placement can always be a plus. I went with a red hew. This image doesn't give it justice  as in person is really pops out.

Simple as that. Suddenly in my first week of having a blog about trying to actually get projects finished... i finish one.

Here are some nice "water" shots. Please let me know what you think in the comment field down below.

Next on the docket:  Battle Report!  Vampire Counts vs. Wood Elves 1250 points.  We will be having a battle on Saturday morning, a typical "Breakfast and Blood" as Tim and I enjoy calling it.  I hope to remember to take pictures.  Battle reports tend to be a little stale when they don't have anything to show.